Being stuck at home doesn't mean you can't still check things off your wedding to-do list! So when taking a break from the WFH life, get onto these wedding tasks that you can do from the comfort of your own home!
Pin, Pin, Pin...
Pinterest is arguably every bride's best friend. We could spend hours scrolling through and pinning our favourite wedding inspo...literally! This is the perfect time to let yourself go wild on Pinterest and create your ultimate wedding! When it comes to booking things in, you'll be ready to go! Check out our Pinterest page to get you started!
Get Web-Ready...
If you were planning to create a wedding website, then now is the time to get started! Find out how to create the ultimate wedding website here!
Online Invites...
Who said wedding invites have to be mailed! If you are choosing to send out e-vites, then you can still carry on with the process from home!
Become a DIY Queen...
So, you were thinking of learning how to create some of your own wedding decor to save some money. This is the PERFECT time to learn. The internet is a web of knowledge, where you can learn so many wonderfully helpful skills!
I Vow...
Being stuck at home can really get those creative juices flowing. Take this chance to start writing up your vows. This will also be a great little reminder of why you love your partner...perfect for those moments when you are driving each other nuts after 2 weeks in isolation!
Lists on Lists on Lists...
It's time to get super organised! Not sure where to go wedding dress shopping? Well now is the time to make your list! Want to try a few wedding cake flavours? Make notes now! This is the time to get everything written down so that when it comes to booking appointments, you are already prepared and know exactly who to call! Check out our planning tools to help you!
Dancing Queen...
You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, stuck in quarantineeee! Well, this could be a perk! Get some YouTube tutorials up and practice your first dance! This is the perfect time to brush up on your boogieing skills.
Sick Beats...
Speaking of dancing, you'll need a killer playlist for your wedding. You can put together the best wedding playlist of all time from the comfort of your own home! Check out our wedding playlists for some inspiration.
Ask Questions...
Many of your selected vendors will be closed, but their teams will still be working away to help plan future weddings. Send off enquiries to your possible vendors so that you can still gather as much information as possible.
When planning your wedding, be sure to check out wedding insurance options as well! Click here for everything you need to know.