Bad Gift Burn n.
1. an unpleasant sensation brought on by the acceptance of inappropriate or horrible presents.
2. a reason to plan a gift registry.
Making a list of wedding present ideas is a great way to while away the afternoon with your other half - and it'll help prevent that common post-Christmas phenomenon of Bad Gift Burn. So, if you don't fancy the idea of coming home from the honeymoon to a bizarre collection of antique elephants, towels in a shade that could only be described as unsightly, or his-and-hers matching toilet brushes, get planning!
For any other occasion, giving a gift of homewares is a political quagmire that most people wouldn't want to get near with a proverbial bargepole. But none of the normal rules apply when compiling a gift registry. Deep down inside all of us, there is a tiny Stepford Wife who's been aching to get out and polish the silverware. This is her moment. So grab your best matching shoes and bag and go window shopping. We won't tell anyone. We promise.
Gifts for the home
Try and select a wide range of gear that would be fun to give - and affordable for a range of incomes. Go for things you wouldn't normally buy yourself - and above all, go for things you really, really want. If the idea of having everything matching frightens you, think about 'complementing' instead.
Here are a few ideas to get the ball rolling
- Dinner services, linen ware and creative bath wares
- Colourful appliances
- Funky rugs, throws and pillows
- Artwork - statues, paintings, sculptures
- DVDs, literature and music
- Plasma screens, DVD players and cool gizmos
- Game platforms like Playstation or Nintendo Wii
- A herb garden, bonsai collection or fancy window box
But don't stop there! Where homewares will provide you with a great stash of things you might never have bought yourselves, tickets can provide you with a swathe of experiences you might never have had.
Tickets and vouchers worth begging for -
- Your favourite singer or group
- The opera or ballet
- A play or musical
- A contemporary dance or physical theatre show
- A spa treatment or massage
- A theme park or zoo
- An adventure day like rock climbing, white-water rafting or canyoning
- A weekend learn-to-surf safari
- Skydiving
- Other attractions in your area - go on, be a tourist for a day... or more!
Green gifts
We live in an affluent society, and the truth is that some couples really have all they need. For a registry that will help you feel great for years to come, why not ask your guests to -
- Donate a sum of their choice to your favourite charity
- Contribute to a child sponsorship program on your behalf
- Participate in a clean-up-the-planet day or plant a tree
- Buy carbon credits to help slow Climate Change
Be creative!
Whatever you choose, remember that your guests will want to feel like they gave you something special. It's up to you to fend off Bad Gift Burn - and ring in a new era of delicious surroundings and special moments for your and your beau.