If you do not want the formality of a veil but would like to wear something in your hair, this gorgeous tulle flower is the ideal way to add a stylish finishing touch to your wedding day wardrobe.
- 1.5 m ivory tulle - tulle fabric can vary in stiffness. For this project thicker tulle was used so the petals would stand up.
- invisible marker
- needle and thread
- diamante brooch
- barrette/hairclip
- hot glue gun and felt
How to create
- Cut one strip of tulle1m long and 10cm wide and another strip 1.5m long by 8cm wide.
- Fold tulle over four times and pin together to give you two strips of fabric. The 1m length will end up 25cm long and the 1.5m length 38cm long.
- With the marker pen you need to draw a scalloped edge along the length of one side of both strips of tulle. Each scallop will be approximately 8cm wide.
- Cut along scalloped edge.
- Remove pins and open strips out. Thread needle with a double length of thread long enough to gather and sew flower. Anchor or knot the thread at one end firmly then continue sewing a line of running stitches along the un-scalloped edge of the tulle approximately ? cm from the edge. This is best done by hand because of the fineness of the fabric. Sew strips separately.
- Pull on the thread to gather. You should now have one ruffle 20cms long and another 30cm in length. Double stitch at the end to hold in place. With the needle and thread still attached, begin coiling the 30cm ruffle of fabric into a rose shape and secure. Take the 20cm ruffle and wrap it around the completed rose centre and stitch in place at the base through all layers to secure the fabric.
- Cut a piece of felt the shape of the barrette and hot glue it to the top of the barrette. Once dried, hot glue the tulle rose to the felt before stitching the rose to the barrette. Open out rose petals and attach diamante brooch.
Tip: Do not iron fabric with fabric marker pen on it otherwise it will become permanent.